On Coffee (1)


Recently I read an article in the quirky magazine Lucky Peach entitled "On Coffee", the author is Peter Meehan, as he interviews Harold McGee.

"While I've had eye-opening revelations about coffee... I've never really become a "nerd", which I guess is another way of saying I'm a dilettante about coffee.” (Harold talking about how he has come to enjoy the taste of stale coffee beans.)

I have always loved the word dilettante and have always thought it would be cool to be one — who wouldn’t? 

But wait-- what does the word “dilettante” actually mean-

My definition: a laid-back but rebellious person who takes each life experience and makes it work for themselves regardless of the way it "should be" experienced.

Actual definition: a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge

I heard another dilettante definition today from Tim Daley while watching Madame Secretary on tv. I will paraphrase: “a mile wide base of knowledge that only runs one inch deep.”

Ahh, so both my dilettantish definition of dilettante and the actual definition work well to describe the way I have always approached yoga. I will comfort myself with the faith that my knowledge runs a little deeper on some subjects than Tim Daley’s son on the show.

I like to know a little about everything yogic just not enough to be labeled a connoisseur (or a nerdy expert yoga geek). I take what I like from each practice, each tradition, and each writing and utilize it as it applies to my life experience, my practice and to my teaching. 

In case you were wondering how enjoyment of stale coffee beans relates to yoga, I will explore this in my next post…